Thursday, September 04, 2008

Nightwing 143 - 148

Nightwing #143
Written by Peter Tomasi

Art by Don Kramer

The main story may not be that interesting, but Tomasi continues his magnificent run by writing great dialogue between Nightwing and Robin in this issue. Kramer is really good too here....I almost didn't realize it wasn't Rags.

Nightwing #144
Written by Peter Tomasi

Art by Don Kramer
and Rags Morales

The mother of champions is such a cool character, I hope they don't kill her at the end of this arc. I think Nightwing should offer Talia some kind of protection against her father, but I agree she should not be allowed to build a metahuman army for herself.

Nightwing #145
Written by Peter Tomasi Art by Rags Morales

Eh...I wish Tomasi hadn't had Ra's escape from Arkham. It just gives writers an excuse to use him more often. Otherwise, this was a good issue. Rag's art is amazing as usual and I like the conflict between Dick and Talia.

Nightwing #146
Written by Peter Tomasi Art by Rags Morales

The last page of this issue - Superman and Nightwing taking off from the Daily Planet Globe - was breathtaking. I like the idea of a Maximum Securty Metahuman Morgue. I am glad this arc is over though - while I liked the whole Mother of Champions thing, I am sick of the al Ghuls. Give them a rest for a while.

Nightwing #147
Written by Peter Tomasi Art by Don Kramer

While this wasn't much of a RIP crossover, it was still a damn good comic. I am liking the story and the dialogue just as well. This is what Tomasi should have started his run with. Two-Face is in it, and he really needed to be in some comic this summer. I liked how Nightwing punches him for absolutely no reason.

Nightwing #148
Written by Peter Tomasi Art by Rags Morales

Seeing so many of Batman's villains in one place was exciting - although I get the feeling this is Nightwing hallucinating due to the nerve gas - but I hope not. The best part of this issue though was the conversation between Dick and Alfred. Strong writing there.

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