Monday, August 27, 2007

Hippolyta And Athena: Mega Bitches

Wonder Woman (Volume 3) #11
Written by J. Torres
Art by Paco Diaz

Ya so it looks like everyone who used to be Diana's friend from her mythical life has become a bitch. Whether it is her mother or Athena herself. Its strange, I have a feeling Circe and maybe someone else is behind all this. Circe is certainly not dead by any means. I mean she can't be. There is no way. Amazons Attack is turning out to be a pretty cool event, I just hope that it is explained in the end why Hippolyta and Athena are a couple of bitches now. Mind-control? Posession? Doppelgangers? It can't really be them, it just can't be. I have to hand it to the artist, Diaz created some great art for this issue, espcaially with so many characters, landscapes, and such; he probably had fun doing it.

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