Art by Barry Kitson
I enjoyed this issue. It got confusing because sooo much is going on at a very fast pace but I liked it. The back-up story about Dave Cockrum was really cool and well-handled.
Art by Barry Kitson
Now that was a suspenseful issue. The torturing of Cosmic Boy and Triplicate Girl by the dominators definitely made me squeemish. The surprise twist was awesome (Even though I saw it coming). I am rooting for the Legion to kick some dominator ass.
Art by Kevin Sharpe
Tony Bedard fills in this issue and if this issue is any idication of what his upcoming arc on this series is going to be than I am definitely on board for it. The art is top-notch as well. I love how this issue ties heavily into 52 and the fact that Booster Gold really started this whole mess when he time travels into the future briefly. Probably the best use of continuity in a long time. Highly recommended.
Art by Barry Kitson
Wow, what a great way to conclude a run. This is Mark Waid's final issue on this series and he couldn't have done it better. In an homage to the first appearence of the Legion with Superboy, Cosmic Boy gets invited for membership by a 41st century superhero team! And there is a new leader to be elected, and Mon-El and the Dominator World are in the Phantom Zone. I loved the surprise twist to this because I thought it was strange at first that Cos would want to kill billions of life forms. Mark Waid made me fall in love with the Legion with this series and I think his run will be looked back on as one of the greats of Legion History.
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