Written by Gail Simone
Art by Nicola Scott and Doug Hazlewood
Overall, I have to say that the new status quo of the Birds of Prey is a lot of fun and is a refreshing change. I really do think it was the right time for Dinah to move on. This issue was action-packed and a lot of fun. Spy Smasher is certainly making Oracle's life a living hell. It was cool to see how she had a past with Barbara, you almost like Spy Smasher after reading this. I definitely recommend this issue.

Birds of Prey #104
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Nicola Scott and Doug Hazlewood
Wow, I did not expect the last page surprise of this issue! And I don't think anyone did. I am not going to spoil for you all, but definitely go out and buy this issue. It is one hell of a shocker. It was also really fun to see the Birds interact with the Secret Six. The six are a fun villain group and it is good to see them anywhere. I liked the mention of how the former JLI has taken some hits over the last few years and talk of Rocket Red. It makes a fan boy like me smile. Simone is fantastic writer if I haven't already said that enough. This was a hell of an issue.
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