Monday, June 05, 2006

Of Ghosts and Boats

Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis #42
Written by Kurt Busiek
Art and Cover by Butch Guice

This issue was the most fun so far of Busiek's run. I suppose though I should give credit to Guice for this too. I loved seeing that huge crazy castle boat. Too Cool! And any book that contains an evil seductress mermaid gets a thumbs up from me. The mystery deepens (no pun intended) this issue as we find out an old character is still around in ghost form and the new Aquaman encounters this boat known as the Windward home. The whole concept of Windward Home intrigues me and I can't wait to see more of it next issue. The greatest minds in the world working on international waters so they do not have to answer to any government and they are completely non-violent! Sounds like my kind of an organization! I do not know much about this old character that has resurfaced (once again no pun intended) but I still would like to know the hows and whys of him being in ghost form. There seems to be no limit to Busiek's imagination.

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