Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Savage of the Seven Seas

JSA Classified #11
Written by Stuart Moore
Art and cover by Paul Gulacy and Jimmy Palmiotti

In case any one was wondering, I am not going to be reviewing the main JSA title until the relaunch. Simply because I do not like the current storyline. It bores me. Anyway on to the issue at hand, I really liked it. It is an interesting character study of Alan Scott and Vandal Savage and there respective histories while at the same time incorporating the one year later jump affectively. We are still left with one year later mysteries, like why is Vandal Savage dying and why is Alan wearing an eye patch now. I like how this book mentions Alan's current affiliation with checkmate which was a nice use of continuity between the titles. And it is always fun to see flashbacks to the golden age. I am not sure if Vandal Savage will or will not get out of this alive but even if he does not, it is a great story to go out on. Oh and the surprise ending was great because I am a big fan of the character and I am happy to see him back at least temporarily. I don't think he should stay for good though.

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