Thursday, September 25, 2008

Teen Titans 50 - 63

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #50 Written by Sean McKeever, Geoff Johns, Marv Wolfman, and Todd DeZago Art by Randy, Mike McKone, George Perez, and Todd Nauck

This was a fantastic anniversary issue and a real treat to any fans of the Titans. We look back at different era of the titans history as well as reminisce on the life of Bart Allen, all along setting up the new arc and the return of the Titans of Tommorrow...John's best arc on this book. So I am glad they are coming back. McKeever's run has started off with a bang! Don't you just love that cover!

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #51
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Ale Garza

Not sure what to think of's not bad and I like the hints to the future of the Teen Titans...and the idea that Bart and Connor will be alive in the future. But I think the art makes it less enjoyable....I really miss McKone and Tony Daniel's work on this title.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #52
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Jamal Igle

Awesome ending spread is fun to see these glimpses of possible future titans. This is actually the second time I have read this arc and I must say it reads much better this time around. Not to mention Igle's art is fantastic this issue.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #53
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

The Titans Army is pretty bad ass....I love that Cassandra Cain is the Batwoman of the future and that Misfit is Huntress (and still yelling Dark Vengeance!) but the coloring was quite off on her hair, along with Aquawoman's. Anyways, there have been way too many artists on this one arc.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #54
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows, Joe Prado, and Greg Tocchini

Okay who else is really looking forward to a Miss Martian/Robin romance. Much better then Wonder Girl and Robin which seems kindve incestuous to me and it would parallel the relationship between Starfire and Nightwing. Anyways, this was a nice ending to this issue. I like that Blue Beetle, Supergirl, and the Ravager are the ones who will one day oppose the Titans Army. I have to say this arc was not as good as John's Titans of Tomorrow arc....but it was still well-written and fun.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #55

Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Jamal Igle

I liked this in-between story. Robin and Wonder Girl end their romance....thank God. And Supergirl leaves the team, sad because I was actually liking her on the team. Poor Kid Devil is treated like crap throughout this issue...even by Robin. I wish Ingle was the regular artist on this title.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #56
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

Okay I don't know why Robin and everyone are being so mean to Kid seems kinda out of character. I am intrigued by the Terror Titans and this issue had a lot of funny moments, especailly when Kid Devil throws the party at the tower. McKeever's run on this title is seriously underrated.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #57
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

I like that Ravager is worried about Kid Devil....but Wonder Girl really comes off as a bitch in this issue. I mean she has a right to not completely trust Rose but come on. The ending was pretty crazy....I am not sure what happened to the tower.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #58
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Carlos Rodriguez

I really liked the art this issue but why the hell can't Eddy Barrows stay for more then a couple issues! This story was great because it features mostly Miss Martian who really deserves more attention as she is a great character. She has the battling her dark side aspect of Raven and the naivety of Starfire that makes her the perfect fit for the Titans. Good issue.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #59
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

Clock King is pretty scary and the Dark Side Club is just as so. This issue was good but I feel this arc is a little long altogether. I think Barrows's art reached an all-time high with this issue. Very nice stuff.
Teen Titans (Volume 3) #60
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

Looks like Ravager is leaving the thanks to Wonder Girl's bitchiness....although the more I think about it the more I realize I would be hesitant about having a known killer on the team as well. This Terror Titans arc was good and it's always fun to see new villains introduced for the Titans but it ran a little long.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #61
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Carlos Rodriguez

This was a sweet issue highlighting the relationship between Blue Beetle and welll....Red Devil. Kid Devil switches his name to Red Devil in this issue. I am not sure that I like the name...Kid Devil just flows better but I can deal with it. I like the bond formed between the two reluctant team mates. Good stuff.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #57
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

Okay that was just fucking incredibly disturbing!!! I expected a sweet story about a cute god instead I got that before he transformed and slaughtered Wendy and Marvin. Not going to lie, I was pissed after reading this the first time. Miss Martian leaves the team and Wendy and Marvin who have been totally underused are now killed. What the hell right?! This seems like a Dan Didio idea to me. But on the second read-through, it's actually pretty good and I am hoping McKeever has a good reason for killing off Wendy and Marvin, if they are in fact dead.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #63

Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows
and Allan Goldman

This issue was very decompressed...I don't feel like much happened accept Bombshell fought the military and the Teen Titans and Wonder Girl has a headache. What the hell! I am glad to see that Wendy is alive, I wish I could say the same for Marvin though. I have the feeling they are setting Wendy up to become a metahuman/hero. I am not sure. Miss Martian is on the cover for some reason despite not being o nthe team anymore.

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