Monday, August 20, 2007

Superman Batman 38 and 39

Superman/Batman #38
Written by Alan Burnett
Art by Dustin Nguyen

Hmmm....not quite sure what was going on here. Maybe I should have read last issue first to refresh. But it looks like this cube device is driving Superman mad and Batman is on the case and darkseid is behind it all? And maybe Scarecrow too? I dunno...but it wasn't bad. Just confusing.

Superman/Batman #39
Written by Alan Burnett
Art by Dustin Nguyen

Well I can't say that Burnett wins any points for originality this time. Superman being controlled and pitted against Batman has been done like a million times, even Superman being controlled by Darkseid has been done a million times before. That is what made me not really enjoy this issue too much. Although, the Scarecrow parts were cool. I hope Burnett is building toward something cooler than a Superman/Batman fight because it has been done and I don't really want to see it again.

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