Written by Brad Meltzer
Art by Ed Benes
This is the third part of the JLA/JSA crossover that began here and continued here. This was a kickass issue and I am getting more and more pumped about this crossover with each issue (Although this is not as good as the Geoff Johns written part 2 in JSA). The interactions between the leaguers and the society members is great. The Power Girl/Hawkman thing was a little shocking and seemed strange to me but it isn't really that big of a deal. Why was Power Girl even on Thanagar though? Anyways, I am looking forward to the explanation on how the once thought to be non-existent original Legion of Super-Heroes is around and on New Earth in current time. Multiverse would seem the most likely reason but I don't know what Johns and Meltzer have up their sleeve. The issue had Meltzer's usual faults such as the calling everyone by their real name and the annoying narration boxes but if one looks past this, it was a real solid issue.