Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Dale Eaglesham and Art Thibert
This issue was just as great as the first! So hats off to Geoff Johns for hitting another one out of the park! I really enjoyed this issue. The art is fantastic and the moments between the characters were great. Starman is interesting, even though I haven't read Kingdom Come in years and barely remember it. It is amazing how each of Geoff's books have totally different feels to it. You really can not say that about most writers. I think one of the best parts about this issue was the moments between Wildcat and his newly discovered son. I absolutely loved how it wasn't the typical long lost son meets his father moment. Wildcat's son makes it clear he could care less that his father wasn't around as a kid and he completely understands why. That is awesome! It was so afraid it was going to be the classic why were you not around, I hate you type thing.
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