Sunday, December 10, 2006

Yay! Plastic Man!

Superman/Batman #30
Written by Mark Verheiden
Art and Cover by Ethan Van Sciver

Okay, I have no idea what is going on or why this alien thing is turning everyone bad, but because Plastic Man is in this issue, I freaking loved it! In case you do not know, Plastic Man is one of my favorite characters anytime Kyle Baker's lame ass isn't writing him. I don't get why Batman said that he doesn't trust Plas, because I thought in JLA Batman was one of Plas's biggest supporters. That would be my only complaint about this issue because Plas is in it! I can't get enough of Plastic Man! If only DC would have made the Plastic Man series without Kyler Baker's art and cartoonyness things would have been great. They should have had Joe Kelly write it or something. Anyways, I am not a big fan of the heroes go bad for this storyline thing so I wasn't excited when Superman all of a sudden went evil but you guessed it, yes, I didn't mind because it involves Plastic Man!

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