Tuesday, November 07, 2006

JSA Classified 13 - 18

JSA Classified #13
Written by Stuart Moore

Art by Paul Gulacy

This was the final issue of this Vandal Savage story arc and it ended pretty well. I mean it was kinda cool seeing Vandal eat flesh Hannibal Lector style. The whole clone thing was a little cliche though. I think this arc could have been a lot shorter but it had some good moments.

JSA Classified #14
Written by Steve Engleheart
Art by Tom Derenick

This issue begins a new story arc that is the sequel to the recent "Detroit Era" JLA Classified arc that I loved so much. This time around, it takes place in the modern DCU when Gypsy and Vixen discover some villain's plan to kidnap the JSA and make them fight eachother. Okay, that whole thing right there is a little cliche, so I am not singing this arc's praises just yet. We have seen that whole force a team to fight eachother thing a million times. But I look forward to next issue. Oh and when do you think Stargirl will finally get her braces off?

JSA Classified #15
Written by Steve Engleheart
Art by Tom Derenick

This felt like such an "in the middle" issue. Not much happened and when it did, it didn't interest me. I think it's safe to say that Engleheart's JLA Classified arc was much better than this one. The superheroes fighting each other has just been done too many times.

JSA Classifed #16
Written by Steve Engleheart
Art by Tom Derenick

This issue was a little bit better than last, at least the ending was. It was nice to see Vixen and Gypsy be asked to join the JSA, even though they turned it down. Vixen will be re-joining the JLA soon and Gypsy is now a member of the Birds of Prey. It was funny to see Amos Fortune balloon up like Violet from Willy Wonka. I was expecting the oompa loompas to come in and roll him away (:

JSA Classified #17
Written by Tony Bedard
Art and cover by Scott McDaniel and Andy Owens

This was a really creative, well-written storty. I like writers who make me think of something I have never though of before, and Bedard does that this issue. I never thought of the connection between Bane and Hourman; that Hourman and Bane both have to use drugs to get their power. And I am surprised no one has thought of it before, so I think that was really clever on the part of Bedard. The only problem I have is the art, I have McDaniel's art, it's terrible. Just look at the legs on Hourman on the cover, he looks fricken weird.

JSA Classified #18
Written by Tony Bedard
Art and cover by Scott McDaniel and Andy Owens

Damn, it is nice to see Bane being written well again. Bedard is good, I am surprised I have never heard of him before. I enjoyed this issue a lot. Bane was kick ass in this isssue and so was Hourman. I didn't even really mind the art this time around, the story kept me from realizing how bad it was. Gosh, I can't wait till the Justice Society of America book begins in december. Anyways, I hope Bedard returns to this book sometime soon for a rematch between Bane and Hourman.

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